Sunday, November 29, 2009

PBB Daily: Rob is out, Bagyong Issa is approaching and we can now choose who will be evicted!

This photo that we posted on courtesy of facebook has come true! Rob has been evicted!

Another big news from PBB Double Up is the fast approaching Bagyong Issa. No details have been disclosed yet but we think Kuya will put ALL the housemates in ONE house. Or they can separate the girls and boys. Or the housemates will go back to their original houses but ONE will stay in the present house. Hmm.

And oh, the third news which made us oh-so-happy:Nobody is nominated!It's the people's choice who they want to be evicted! Well, if you ask us, here are the three housemates that we should all vote to be evicted!

1. Rocky Salumbides- a giant with the brain of a dwarf! So narrow-minded and judgmental.
2. Hermes- a flirt with big boobs! Not only is he conceited, he also feels as if he can make every girl fall for him. And yes, he is playing safe!
3. Sam- pretty face but not so amusing personality. She's so maarte and non-existent!


  1. nakow c melay matatanggal pramis!

  2. tanggalin ang ang mga salot!!!! yuri, mariel, patrick, hermes! go out!!!! haha....

    wag niu pung vote cla melai, jason and carol!!!!

  3. tanggalin lahat ng taga house b except si kathleen.

  4. kalat na sa mga site iboboto c melay ampanget daw kc ang ingay pah daw feeling mganda xa na tlga matatanggal

  5. now that is what i call mature!
    thanks for the pic ... you guys are not judgemental at all ... great work ... you can be proud of yourselves!!!

  6. Vote to EVICT HERMES!
